‘Shakespeare in Swaziland’
Edward Wilson-Lee presents us with a vast tracing of Shakespeare as global poetry in...

Mufti’s ‘Forget English!’
Aamir Mufti scrutinizes world literature, arguing that in its borderless, global body of writings...

Gunn’s ‘Ideas to Live For’
Giles Gunn asks how our sense of the human might be reconstructed, not around...

‘Intimacies of Continents’
Lisa Lowe reads across archives and literatures in Europe, Africa, Asia, Americas to connect...

‘Prose of the World’
Saikat Majumdar examines how the affective experience of colonialism shaped the aesthetics we now...

Hoyos’ ‘Beyond Bolaño’
Hector Hoyos challenges world literature as a homogenizing literary endeavor, focusing on how globalizing...

Spivak’s ‘Readings’
Gayatri Spivak elaborates a mode of attention to and analysis of literature, writing, society...
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly...
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly...
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly...
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly...
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly...
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly...
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly...
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly...
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly...