Genre: Film, Adaptation (from Memoir).
Venue: United States and Worldwide Release.
Date: August 10, 2018.
Primary Creators/Distributors: Spike Lee (director, co-writer, co-producer) and Focus Features.
Description: Spike Lee presents a significant addition to his oeuvre in BlacKkKlansman, an adaptation from Ron Stallworth’s memoir of a period spent, remarkably, as an African-American undercover police officer infiltrating the Ku Klux Klan. The transfer from prose to dialogue, scene, and musical score is inspired, and rather essential for having audiences suspend disbelief — and continue to do so — as they are taken through a close reproduction of a true story that remains stranger than fiction. Followers of Lee looking for where the potent social commentary may, this time, reside will be rewarded during the film’s final minutes — and be compelled to view it again. A must-see and re-see.
For more, see the film’s official site here.