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Fairness and Justice


The Ikoku Philanthropies is committed to a conception of fairness and justice via processes and procedures that ensure civil liberties and basic, civil and fundamental rights are not subject to arbitration, barter or trading, bargaining, negotiation, political calculus or voting, or to abrogation for the aggregate public good.

Therefore, persons engaged in activity within, for, on behalf of, in reference to and otherwise pertaining to The Ikoku Philanthropies are expected to uphold the following:

Basic Liberties and Civil Rights

— that The Ikoku Philanthropies ensure protections of civil liberties and basic, civil and fundamental rights during evaluations hearings, interviews, investigations, reviews and other equivalent procedures and processes.

Confidentiality and Privacy

— that The Ikoku Philanthropies ensure protections of confidentiality and privacy rights during evaluations, hearings, interviews, investigations, reviews and other equivalent procedures and processes.

Due Process

— that The Ikoku Philanthropies ensure protections of rights to due process and fundamental justice during evaluations, hearings, interviews, investigations, reviews and other equivalent procedures and processes.

Duty to Report

— that The Ikoku Philanthropies ensure all persons and entities involved honor the Duty to Report, during evaluations, hearings, interviews, investigations, reviews or other equivalent procedures and processes.

Accordance with Ethics

— that The Ikoku Philanthropies ensure following the above principles further remains in accordance with the Codes and Policies and especially the Founding and Governing Code of Ethics.

Central and Associated Policies


As stated earlier, The Ikoku Philanthropies User Agreement and Code of Conduct consist of several Codes and Policies that collectively govern all of your activity with, within, for or pertaining to The Ikoku Philanthropies (as well as its series, subsidiaries and affiliates). By continuing, you indicate that you understand that these Codes and Policies include — but are not limited to — the Founding and Governing Code of Ethics, the Policy on Privacy and Confidentiality, the Terms and Conditions of Use and Service, and the Acceptable Use Policy along with all Associated Codes and Policies. We provide access to all of the described below.

Founding Code of Ethics

Founding Code of Ethics (HTML and PDF)

Privacy and Confidentiality

Policy on Privacy and Confidentiality (HTML and PDF)

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions of Use and Service (HTML and PDF)

Acceptable Use Policy

Acceptable Use Policy (HTML and PDF)

All Associated Policies

All Associated Policies (HTML and PDF)


*Note: Please see the main Policies page for notice on conditions incompatible with the founding and mission of The Ikoku Philanthropies.

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{{}} accepted your friend request. To learn more about them, visit their profile: {{{friendship.url}}}
Group details for the group "{{}}" were updated: {{changed_text}} To view the group, visit: {{{group.url}}}
{{}} has invited you to join the group: "{{}}". {{invite.message}} To accept your invitation, visit: {{{invites.url}}} To learn more about the group, visit: {{{group.url}}}. To view {{}}'s profile, visit: {{{inviter.url}}}
You have been promoted to {{promoted_to}} in the group: "{{}}". To visit the group, go to: {{{group.url}}}
{{}} wants to join the group "{{}}". As you are the administrator of this group, you must either accept or reject the membership request. To manage this and all other pending requests, visit: {{{group-requests.url}}} To view {{}}'s profile, visit: {{{profile.url}}}
{{}} sent you a new message: "{{usersubject}}" "{{usermessage}}" Go to the discussion to reply or catch up on the conversation: {{{message.url}}}
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To Further Consider

Your Knowledge and Agreement

The Ikoku Philanthropies strongly recommends you develop and maintain your knowledge of all the Codes and Policies, and so asks that you read, understand and regularly visit this page and other communications regarding the Policy on Fairness and Justice, as well as the Codes and Policies. The Ikoku Philanthropies takes your continued visiting and use of its Products and Services, including its Sites, as active indication of your knowledge, understanding, legally binding acceptance and agreement.

Your Duty to Company Integrity

To protect the company and organizational integrity of The Ikoku Group and The Ikoku Philanthropies — as well as the properties, rights and protections of the company, division and their official persons — The Ikoku Philanthropies requires all natural and legal persons concerned to read, understand, abide by and, where applicable, sign contracts and agreements delineated and described in the Policy on Company and Division Integrity.

The Ikoku Philanthropies reminds you that the Policy on Company and Division Integrity forms part of The Ikoku Philanthropies User Agreement and Code of Conduct. Thus, The Ikoku Philanthropies takes your continued visiting and use of its Products and Services, including its Sites, as active indication of your legally binding acceptance of this Policy as well as the Codes and Policies.

Your Questions and Feedback

Please contact with any feedback, issues or questions — which will be addressed by the President, CEO and Chair, Alvan Azinna Chibuzo Ikoku.

Your Reporting of Violations

If you detect, notice or are informed of a possible breach or violation of this Policy or any of these Codes and Policies, please contact with any details you have — which will be addressed by the President, CEO and Chair, Alvan Azinna Chibuzo Ikoku.

The Definitions

As with all official documents, materials, policies and statements of The Ikoku Group, definitions for terms used here can be found in the main Codes and Policies page.

Ethics in the Division, and Company

The Codes and Policies above deeply reflect the founding and mission of The Ikoku Group and The Ikoku Philanthropies. They inform each instance of commitment, effort and work to achieve benefit, impact and success. The result, therefore, are three features evident in the company, the division, their products, services, sites, and most importantly, their communities:


The Ikoku Group as a Company of and about Ethics

The company ethics and policies are carefully crafted, then adhered to by a range of individuals and divisions working in varied relation to The Ikoku Group to establish, develop and provide a private company dedicated to fostering care and creativity, ethics and innovation.


Built with Integrity and Respect in Mind

Who take as their basis the most robust conceptions of respect, humanity, integrity, civil liberties and civil rights — up to and beyond what the law protects and provides for — as they carry out and embody the mission and purposes of The Ikoku Group.


In Divisions that are Safe, Secure and Respectful

And who also join in ongoing efforts to ensure that The Ikoku Group, its Divisions and its Products and Services remain safe, secure and respectful places to do work, to express and discuss, to teach and learn, to form, inform and even alter local and global communities.

More About Us

The Ikoku Philanthropies

The Ikoku Group was formed to foster care and creativity, ethics and innovation in work and communities of enduring concern to its founder, Alvan Azinna Chibuzo Ikoku, and partners.

— About The Group

Mission, Scope, Founder

Founded as a US limited liability company, The Ikoku Group is engaged in work that is both domestic and international in scope, concerned as it is with communities and entities located across borders.

— Founding & Governance

Nature, Leadership, Ethics

The Ikoku Group is governed by its Founder‘s Agreement, Code of Ethics and associated Policies — each thoughtfully developed and collectively constituting the governance documents of The Ikoku Group.

— Policies

Agreement, Codes, Terms, Conditions

Where available, The Ikoku Group provides updates on news, events and media coverage pertaining to its operation, development, work, and communities.

— Press & Media

News, Events, Coverage

Where appropriate, The Ikoku Group also provides periodic alerts, newsletters and reports for those who wish to become more deeply informed of recent developments as well as past and future work.

— Reports

Alerts, Newsletters, Periodicals

Those interested in its mission, objectives and work may contact The Ikoku Group and its Founder for available positions, contributorships and partnerships. A career at and with The Ikoku Group will likely be deeply rewarding.

— Careers at The Ikoku Group

Positions, Volunteers, Contributors