Callaloo, a journal on original, creative and critical work by and from the African diaspora, is now accepting submissions.
Genre: Submissions, Journal, Writing, Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, Art.
Venue: College Station, Texas, USA.
Dates: Rolling submission, continual.
Publication/Editors: Callaloo and Charles Henry Rowell (Editor).
Description: Founded in 1976 by its current editor, Charles Henry Rowell, Callaloo publishes creative and critical work by and about African Americans and peoples of African descent throughout the African Diaspora. The journal produces issues five times a year: Winter, Spring, Summer, Art, and Fall. And it continually receives submissions of original art, book reviews, essays, fiction and nonfiction, interviews, poetry, and scholarly articles.
The editorial staff and reviewers thank you, in advance, for your interest, and for the opportunity to review your submission.
For more details, please see the publication’s official submission guidelines here.