Founded and Developed with Local and Global Publics in Mind
United States Patent and Trademark Office awards Alvan Ikoku with registered trademarks for Publiks.®
Publiks Inc attains corporate status in California and obtains license in San Francisco, where it is headquartered.
Alvan Ikoku continues to operate and develop Publiks,® and begins further development of Publiks.Org, its associated domains, and Publiks Products and Services.
Publiks Inc ratified as single-ownership, single-member corporation, with one shareholder, Alvan Azinna Ikoku.
Alvan Ikoku establishes Publiks Inc as an independent corporation in the United States. Ikoku continues to operate and further develop a collaboration with The Ikoku Trusts and Foundations, which will later be named ‘‘The Publiks Reports.’’
Alvan Ikoku incorporates The Ikoku Charitable Trusts and The Ikoku Foundations as nonprofit entities in the United States. Ikoku continues to operate service to be trademarked as Publiks,® providing news and events in fields and communities of interest to The Trusts and Foundations.
Develops to include a range of news, events, publications, and collaborations in the fields of the arts, culture, education, medicine, and research pertaining to Africa and its diasporas and to associated global communities.
Service to be trademarked as Publiks® begun by Alvan Azinna Ikoku as part of personal site and web-based initiative to increase public awareness of Africa and its diasporas.
Sections of
A core corporate mission for Publiks Inc — as expressly established by its Founder and President, Alvan A Ikoku — is to enhance public awareness of, public knowledge of, and public interest in peoples and societies in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australasia/Oceania, and Europe — as well as local and global relations among these peoples and their societies.
A primary means by which Publiks Inc carries out this overarching mission is Publiks.Org — an online site featuring several integrated Publiks Services — where visitors and users may have access to Publiks feeds and published contributions from Publiks, as well as to community spaces. Already launched, operating, and being further developed, Publiks.Org and its feeds and published contributions shall endeavor to provide fact-based information, news, events, research, education, analysis and commentary as well as audio, visual and textual media. Meanwhile, its integrated community spaces shall provide visitors and users opportunities to create and maintain profiles and portfolios, to view activity from fellow visitors and users, comment on such activity, participate in moderated conversations, and discuss the nature of their membership in communities and publics beyond the internet.
Thus designed with our core mission in mind, our main Site — consisting of Publiks.Org and all of its associated domains — shall provide visitors and users with access to a number of overlapping sections, including:
Publiks Portal — provides a portal into the entire site as well as an overview of the most recent activity in almost every section.
Publiks Africa — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent activity pertaining to communities and developments in Africa.
Publiks Americas — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent activity pertaining to communities and developments in the Americas.
Publiks Asia — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent activity pertaining to communities and developments in Asia.
Publiks Australasia — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent activity pertaining to communities and developments in Australasia and Oceania.
Publiks Europe — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent activity pertaining to communities and developments in Europe.
Publiks World/Global Communities — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent activity pertaining to communities and developments that transcend borders, including that concerning diasporas, cyberspace, and deep space.
The Publiks Eventsfeeds — provides an overview of and access to the most recent events published on Publiks, with subfeeds focusing on regions (e.g. Africa) and fields of activity (e.g. sports).
The Publiks Newsfeeds — provides an overview of and access to the most recent news published on Publiks, with subfeeds focusing on regions (e.g. the Americas) and fields of information (e.g. health).
The Publiks Forums — provides an overview of and access to the most recent activity published by Publiks in long and interactive forms, with particular emphasis on education and engagement of and by users and visitors.
Audience — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent activity pertaining to film, performance, television, and theater.
Capsule — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent activity pertaining to space and the environment.
Podium — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent activity pertaining to public conversations, dialogue, lectures, speeches, and talks.
Publiks Books — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent activity pertaining to books, including their conception, drafting, publication, reception and translation.
Publiks Cases — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent activity pertaining to the law, legislation and legislative bodies, the courts and the judiciary.
Publiks Education — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent activity pertaining to education, in public and private spheres, at various levels (e.g. university), in various fields (e.g. sciences), and for various purposes (e.g skills).
Publiks Health — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent activity pertaining to health, medicine, and wellness.
Publiks Science — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent activity pertaining to the sciences, including applied, formal, natural and social sciences.
Publiks Sense — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent activity pertaining to financial matters and the economy, including personal, community and global finance.
Publiks Spaces — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent activity pertaining to civic and public spaces, including public governance and participation in such arenas.
Publiks Technology — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent activity pertaining to technology, including data, hardware, infrastructure, and software.
Reading Aloud, Allowed — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent activity pertaining to reading and expression, including audiovisual recording, in-person performance, literacy, and the privacy and protection of artistic, creative and humanistic speech and thought.
Soul Publiks — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent activity pertaining to music and artistic sound, including audiovisual recording, creation, circulation, community formation, and performance.
The Archive — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent activity pertaining to archives, collections, and libraries.
The Body Republik — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent activity pertaining to exercise and physical activity, nutrition, and sports.
The Exhibit — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent activity pertaining to museums, open-air exhibits, and public displays.
The Long Essay — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent activity pertaining to the extended essay as a generic form, with particular emphasis on the analysis, description and elaboration of beliefs, concepts, ideas, and theories.
The Review — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent activity pertaining to the retrospective in several genres, including exposition but especially essays in non-prose media (e.g. audiovisual, photography).
The Discussions — provides a set of community spaces dedicated to communication, dialogue and discussion between visitors and users of subjects and topics published on Publiks and generated by users.
Publiks Exchange — provides a set of community spaces dedicated to communication and exchange between visitors and users of information pertaining to goods, products, and services.
Publiks Pages — provides a set of community spaces dedicated to communication and engagement between communities and directories of personal, group, and institutional profiles.
Publiks Reports — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent activity pertaining to charity, volunteer work, philanthropy, and the nonprofit sector.
Publiks Streams — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent activity published in Publiks in non-prose media, including audio, video, podcasts, short clips, and streaming stations and outputs.
Our Publiks — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent activity pertaining to elections, polling, and voting in other forms and venues.
My Publiks — provides users with focused overviews of and access to their own activity and that of selected fellow users, including personalizable feeds and sections of Publiks.Org.
Publiks MSG — provides users with personalizable modes of communication.
Publiks Monitor — provides users with focused overviews of and access to their own activity, including ways to personalize settings and tools and (possibly) further alter and manage their own user-generated data.
Publiks Info — provides a focused overview of and access to the most recent updates pertaining to development, testing, rollout and adoption of Publiks Products and Services (e.g. sections of Publiks.Org) as well as company history, progress, and presence in media and the public.
Publiks Inc — provides a focused overview of and access to historical and corporate documents, products, and services of the company and policies pertaining to employees, visitors, and users.
It is essential to our originating corporate and public mission that each and every section of Publiks.Org be developed, launched and maintained as integrated Publiks Services, with feeds, published contributions and content flowing across these overlapping sections, and navigation operating essentially as filters, providing users and visitors with easy access to each focused overview.
Note that, for this reason, regionally defined Publiks sections shall feature content and activity that both cross the typically recognized borders of large areas (e.g. Publiks Americas, Publiks Asia, and Publiks Africa) and also pool, or gather more prominently, when users navigate to sections focusing on areas of more limited dimensions (e.g. Publiks Lagos, Publiks Sydney and Publiks Paris). All such sections of Publiks.Org shall in all cases be developed as, and remain, fully integrated with all Services, Products, and domains of Publiks.Org.
The list we provide above will be regularly updated, with links added to the appropriate subheadings, as each Publiks Service and section becomes available and integrated on Publiks.Org. For more detailed information on each Service and section, including their further development and your feedback, please do see relevant notices at Publiks.Info.
Corporate Structure and Publiks.Org
As discussed above, Publiks.Org currently features as a primary means by which we at Publiks Inc carry out our overarching mission. And we succeed in doing so by carefully thinking about and creating relationships between our site and corporate structure, via the three features delineated below:
(For more on our Governance, please see this page)
1. Publiks Inc as Corporation
Private, independent, global company, headquartered in the US. With a single shareholder and an intimate, trust-worthy board chosen by the President. For thoughtful, innovative, and efficient decision-making, as well as close adherence to principles of ethical governance and public benefit.
2. Contributions in Education, Research and Knowledge
Developed and actively maintained site of communal spaces with published contributions from Publiks and Publiks feeds, providing fact-based information, news, events, research, education, and audio, visual and textual media.
3. Visitors and Communities
Visitors with access to the site’s communal spaces, opportunities to create and maintain profiles and portfolios, to view fellow visitors’ activity, comment and participate in moderated conversations, and discuss the nature of their membership in communities and publics beyond the internet.