Genre: Film.
Venue: United States and Worldwide Release.
Date: January 20, 2018.
Primary Creators/Distributors: Boots Riley (director, writer) and Annapurna Pictures.
Description: In a mesmerizing directorial debut, Boots Riley crafts a film that wills itself the required room to deploy experimental art, caustic humor, sur/realism and absurdism, and visually rich soliloquies, all toward an incisive critique of modern capitalism. Sorry to Bother You successfully re-envisions an Oakland that has been filmed before and knows it, a city and community of people that are now all too aware of their siting at the edge of exploitation, in a California that continues to prosper. But rather than stay with the violence and poverty that is there on the screen, the film focuses in on exploitations of the self that are on offer in the telemarketing industry growing to service the region. And thus has audiences see the world born and transformed by technology in a skewed and skewering light. The result is social and political commentary that is as incisive as it is knowingly outrageous, and will stand the test of time.
For more, see the film’s official site here.