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Australian Open 2022 Tennis Results
We provide results updates at the tennis season’s first major tournament — held in Melbourne, Australia — for matches in the singles, doubles and wheelchair…
Australian Tennis Open
Australia hosts the first major of the tennis season, and the world’s best players arrive Down South to compete for both history and some of the sport’s most…
Australian Open 2022 Tennis Results
We provide results updates at the tennis season’s first major tournament — held in Melbourne, Australia — for matches in the singles, doubles and wheelchair…
Johnson Is UK Premier
The Conservative party has elected Boris Johnson as its leader, and thus he will become PM of the United Kingdom, moving into 10 Downing Street this week. ISSUES…
Introducing Publiks Streams
Early and developing possibilities for a new platform and mode of social engagement as well as social media in a current, still shifting landscape spanning culture,…
Introducing Publiks Hubs
Early and developing possibilities for a new platform and mode of social engagement as well as social media in a current, still shifting landscape spanning culture,…
Introducing Publiks Exchange
Early and developing possibilities for a new platform and mode of social engagement as well as social media in a current, still shifting landscape spanning culture,…
Introducing Publiks Giving
Early and developing possibilities for a new platform and mode of social engagement as well as social media in a current, still shifting landscape spanning culture,…
Introducing Publiks Games
Early and developing possibilities for a new platform and mode of social engagement as well as social media in a current, still shifting landscape spanning culture,…
Introducing MyPubliks
Early and developing possibilities for a new platform and mode of social engagement as well as social media in a current, still shifting landscape spanning culture,…
Results: US 2020 Elections
We provide results and updates of major events leading to the United States 2020 General Elections in November — including primaries, endorsements, conventions,…
Elections 2020: United States
On Tuesday, November 3 2020, US voters head to poll stations across the country to submit their decisions on their President, Vice-President and a range of candidates…
publiks that move us

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Around the Globe
G7 Summit in France
The G7 of leaders from the 6 largest national economies and the European Union will convene in Southern France. ISSUES • Economy, Inequality PLACE • Biarritz,…
Outbreak: Ebola in DRC
We provide updates on the Ebola outbreak in Democratic Republic of the Congo, now the second largest in history. ISSUES • Health, Epidemics PLACE • The…
Achebe and Education
African literature has long been asked to teach readers about their pasts. What if readers learned of their futures instead? The Long ESSay AUTHOR • Alvan…
Food Safety Conference
FAO, WHO, WTO host a conference in Addis Ababa on the future of world food safety for peoples, economies, environments. Genre: Health, Food, Conferences. Venue:…
Results: US 2020 Elections
We provide results and updates of major events leading to the United States 2020 General Elections in November — including primaries, endorsements, conventions,…
Elections 2020: United States
On Tuesday, November 3 2020, US voters head to poll stations across the country to submit their decisions on their President, Vice-President and a range of candidates…
UN Climate Summit
The United Nations bolsters a global community committed to climate change action by holding a special summit this September. ISSUE • The Environment PLACE • New…
Canadian Tennis Open
We provide results updates at this premier dual-city tournament — with men’s and women’s matches in Montreal and Toronto. ISSUES • Sports, Tennis PLACE…
Climate Meet in Malaysia
Malaysia continues a preeminent history of hosting meetings on emerging world crises, from the perspectives of the most vulnerable peoples. Genre: Planet/s, Climate…
Qatar Open in Doha
For tennis players seeking the season’s earliest matches, 2019 season begins during in late December, at this popular venue. Genre: Sports, Tennis. Venue: Khalifa…
Women’s Tour Tennis Finals
The top eight women’s tennis players of the year compete against each other for the fifth most important tournament along with its trophy, title, and the chance…
Ai Weiwei’s 'Human Flow'
Film by the Chinese artist-activist has been hailed as a masterful and moving response to contemporary global migration’s concerns, disruptions, revelations. Genre:…
Australian Open 2022 Tennis Results
We provide results updates at the tennis season’s first major tournament — held in Melbourne, Australia — for matches in the singles, doubles and wheelchair…
Australian Open 2020 Tennis Results
We provide results updates at the tennis season’s first major tournament — held in Melbourne, Australia — for matches in the singles, doubles and wheelchair…
Australian Tennis Open
Australia hosts the first major of the tennis season, and the world’s best players arrive Down South to compete for both history and some of the sport’s most…
G7 Summit in France
The G7 of leaders from the 6 largest national economies and the European Union will convene in Southern France. ISSUES • Economy, Inequality PLACE • Biarritz,…
G7 Summit in France
The G7 of leaders from the 6 largest national economies and the European Union will convene in Southern France. ISSUES • Economy, Inequality PLACE • Biarritz,…
Johnson Is UK Premier
The Conservative party has elected Boris Johnson as its leader, and thus he will become PM of the United Kingdom, moving into 10 Downing Street this week. ISSUES…
Ailey II in France
Alvin Ailey arrives in France with a marvelous series of dance pieces, representing African-American culture across bodies, music, languages. ISSUES • Performance,…
Ailey II in Barcelona
The world famous dance company from New York arrives in Spain offering a special set of its performances, communicating across bodies, languages and cultures. SUBJECTS…
Australian Open 2022 Tennis Results
We provide results updates at the tennis season’s first major tournament — held in Melbourne, Australia — for matches in the singles, doubles and wheelchair…
Australian Open 2020 Tennis Results
We provide results updates at the tennis season’s first major tournament — held in Melbourne, Australia — for matches in the singles, doubles and wheelchair…
Australian Tennis Open
Australia hosts the first major of the tennis season, and the world’s best players arrive Down South to compete for both history and some of the sport’s most…
UN Climate Summit
The United Nations bolsters a global community committed to climate change action by holding a special summit this September. ISSUE • The Environment PLACE • New…
publiks that inform us

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Across the Fields
Introducing Body Republiks
Early and developing possibilities for a new platform and mode of social engagement as well as social media in a current, still shifting landscape spanning culture,…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
History Day in Minneapolis
Hennepin County invites students to spend History Day at library programs on how to read, research, propose, write history projects. Genre: Archives, Libraries,…
American Indian Month
The San Francisco Public Library system participates in November’s Native American Indian Heritage Month with over 80 public programs at branches. Genre: Archives,…
Women Colony Exhibit
A painful exhibit comes to Cape Town’s South Africa National Gallery in the partial archival recovery of enslaved women’s lives.Genre: Exhibit, Performance. Venue: Iziko…
Gabo's Digital Archive
University of Texas has done a considerable public service in digitizing, cataloguing, and making available the papers of Gabriel García Márquez. AUSTIN, TEXAS…
Ingenuity Festival
The Smithsonian showcases recipients of its Ingenuity Awards with events open to the public held throughout its National Museums Centers. Genre: Festivals. Venue:…
‘Treasures’ at Smithsonian
National Museum of African-American History and Culture provides experts to teach the public how to preserve individual and family histories. Genre: Archives,…
Jason Moran Exhibit
Jason Moran combines music, film, archival images, historical account in his meditation on an African-American infantry in WWI France. Genre: Music, Film, Performance,…
Igshaan Adams Exhibit
Adams’s visual art shows us what the medium becomes with attention to culture at the nexus of race, religion, sexuality, history, politics. Genre: Exhibit,…
Ailey II in France
Alvin Ailey arrives in France with a marvelous series of dance pieces, representing African-American culture across bodies, music, languages. ISSUES • Performance,…
Ailey II in Barcelona
The world famous dance company from New York arrives in Spain offering a special set of its performances, communicating across bodies, languages and cultures. SUBJECTS…
Ailey II en France
Alvin Ailey arrive en France avec une série merveilleuse des pièces, représentant la culture afro-américaine à travers du corps et du langage.Genre: Performance,…
Alvin Ailey 2019 Begins
The renowned and celebrated dance company has made available its program for this year’s world tour across stages, cities, nations.Genre: Performance, Dance Venue: Worldwide…
Toni Morrison Passes
The doyenne of American fiction, letters, and culture, writer of several prize-winning novels, passed away after a brief illness. ISSUES • Transition, Literature PLACE…
Achebe and Education
African literature has long been asked to teach readers about their pasts. What if readers learned of their futures instead? The Long ESSay AUTHOR • Alvan…
Rankine, Spahr On Dubois
Two poets and critics discuss literature, race, politics, and the 1956 passport denial to WEB DuBois for a conference in France. Genre: Talks, Conversations. Venue:…
Tracy Smith at Smithsonian
The Ingenuity Festival hosts a public dialogue on history and race with acclaimed US Poet Laureate, Tracy K Smith. Genre: Talks, Conversations. Venue: Washington,…
Marriage Vote in Australia
Australians have given their government an overwhelming mandate to craft and enact legislation making same-sex marriage equal, recognized, fair. CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA…
Burundi's Non, Again to ICC
Burundi, long in tense dialogue with the International Criminal Court, now declares non-cooperation with an ICC investigation of alleged crimes. BUJUMBURA, BURUNDI…
Julia/Julius in Uganda
Julia/Julius Kaggwa’s intersex life and activism remind us that the struggle for self-determination can be biological, cultural, political, communal. KAMPALA,…
CDC Revises Quarantine
The CDC has revised its quarantine guidelines for future public health outbreaks — amidst ongoing debate regarding its ethics. ATLANTA, UNITED STATES — The US…
Achebe and Education
African literature has long been asked to teach readers about their pasts. What if readers learned of their futures instead? The Long ESSay AUTHOR • Alvan…
Cal Health DataFest
A conference for Bay Area and Northern California specialists and advocates of data science and usage in improving health outcomes, care systems. Genre: Health,…
BEINGS Summit at Emory
Emory University hosts “Biotechnology and the Ethical Imagination: A Global Summit 2015” (BEINGS 2015), featuring a multidisciplinary array of speakers. Genre:…
Race, Health, Inequalities
University of California San Francisco hosts an interdisciplinary conversation on approaches in science to addressing race, medicine, health, disparities. Genre:…
Achebe and Education
African literature has long been asked to teach readers about their pasts. What if readers learned of their futures instead? The Long ESSay AUTHOR • Alvan…
Submissions: Callaloo
Callaloo, a journal on original, creative and critical work by and from the African diaspora, is now accepting submissions. Genre: Submissions, Journal, Writing,…
Submissions: Glimmer Train
Glimmer Train, a journal for emerging writers since 1990, is accepting manuscripts till May 2019 for its final issue. Genre: Submissions, Journal, Writing, Fiction. Venue:…
Introducing Publiks Essays
Early and developing possibilities for a new platform and mode of social engagement as well as social media in a current, still shifting landscape spanning culture,…
Outbreak: Ebola in DRC
We provide updates on the Ebola outbreak in Democratic Republic of the Congo, now the second largest in history. ISSUES • Health, Epidemics PLACE • The…
Red Cross on 2018 Disasters
We review The International Red Cross 2018 World Disasters Report — which presents sobering data, incisive insights, and recommendations concerning the gap between…
Food Safety Conference
FAO, WHO, WTO host a conference in Addis Ababa on the future of world food safety for peoples, economies, environments. Genre: Health, Food, Conferences. Venue:…
WHO on Emergencies
WHO convenes a high-level meeting on current knowledge and experience regarding emergency crisis response for global and globalizing cities. Genre: Health, Public…
Introducing Publiks Index
Early and developing possibilities for a new platform and mode of social engagement as well as social media in a current, still shifting landscape spanning culture,…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
Introducing Publiks Music
Early and developing possibilities for a new platform and mode of social engagement as well as social media in a current, still shifting landscape spanning culture,…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
Rankine, Spahr On Dubois
Two poets and critics discuss literature, race, politics, and the 1956 passport denial to WEB DuBois for a conference in France. Genre: Talks, Conversations. Venue:…
Tracy Smith at Smithsonian
The Ingenuity Festival hosts a public dialogue on history and race with acclaimed US Poet Laureate, Tracy K Smith. Genre: Talks, Conversations. Venue: Washington,…
‘Ashe’ Book at Smithsonian
Biographer, Ray Arsenault, and sports journalist William Rhoden meet to discuss the tennis champion's life, activism, and new biography. Genre: Talks, Conversations,…
Introducing Publiks Podium
Early and developing possibilities for a new platform and mode of social engagement as well as social media in a current, still shifting landscape spanning culture,…
Results: US 2020 Elections
We provide results and updates of major events leading to the United States 2020 General Elections in November — including primaries, endorsements, conventions,…
Elections 2020: United States
On Tuesday, November 3 2020, US voters head to poll stations across the country to submit their decisions on their President, Vice-President and a range of candidates…
Toni Morrison Passes
The doyenne of American fiction, letters, and culture, writer of several prize-winning novels, passed away after a brief illness. ISSUES • Transition, Literature PLACE…
After the Vote: Brexit
We provide updates on progress and setbacks concerning the planned withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. On June 23, 2016 citizens of the United…
Museum of Diaspora Poets
MoAD’s Poets in Residence program culminates in evening readings by the year’s resident fellows and a specially invited guest poet. Genre: Readings, Poetry. Venue:…
Tyehimba Jess in New York
The Poetry Center hosts Tyehimba Jess with his ensemble poets and sound artists in curated readings and musical verse translations. Genre: Talks, Readings, Musical…
Colman Domingo
Domingo stages a reading of the play, “DOT,” at the Museum of the African Diaspora, San Francisco, California. Genre: Readings, Drama. Venue: Lorraine…
Nganang Arrêté
Accusé d’« outrage au chef de l’Etat », Patrice Nganang, camerounais, professeur de la littérature comparée, reste en prison. DOUALA, CAMEROUN — Un jour…
Red Cross on 2018 Disasters
We review The International Red Cross 2018 World Disasters Report — which presents sobering data, incisive insights, and recommendations concerning the gap between…
Introducing Publiks Reports
Early and developing possibilities for a new platform and mode of social engagement as well as social media in a current, still shifting landscape spanning culture,…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
Introducing Publiks Review
Early and developing possibilities for a new platform and mode of social engagement as well as social media in a current, still shifting landscape spanning culture,…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
Cal Health DataFest
A conference for Bay Area and Northern California specialists and advocates of data science and usage in improving health outcomes, care systems. Genre: Health,…
BEINGS Summit at Emory
Emory University hosts “Biotechnology and the Ethical Imagination: A Global Summit 2015” (BEINGS 2015), featuring a multidisciplinary array of speakers. Genre:…
Race, Health, Inequalities
University of California San Francisco hosts an interdisciplinary conversation on approaches in science to addressing race, medicine, health, disparities. Genre:…
Introducing Publiks Science
Early and developing possibilities for a new platform and mode of social engagement as well as social media in a current, still shifting landscape spanning culture,…
G7 Summit in France
The G7 of leaders from the 6 largest national economies and the European Union will convene in Southern France. ISSUES • Economy, Inequality PLACE • Biarritz,…
World Bank Conference
The World Bank hosts its conference on development economics in Washington, focusing on multilateralism in the past and future. ISSUES • Economy, Development…
World Forum in Davos
Global leaders in several sectors meet in Switzerland to set new priorities and agendas for regional and global industries. Genre: Industries, Major Economies,…
G20 Summit in Buenos Aires
The G20 of the 19 largest national economies and the European Union meet in Argentina to further development, sustainability, fairness, equality. Genre: Industries,…
UN Climate Summit
The United Nations bolsters a global community committed to climate change action by holding a special summit this September. ISSUE • The Environment PLACE • New…
Climate Meet in Malaysia
Malaysia continues a preeminent history of hosting meetings on emerging world crises, from the perspectives of the most vulnerable peoples. Genre: Planet/s, Climate…
Virgin Air Reaches Space
This morning Virgin Galactic, the world’s first commercial spaceline, successfully had SpaceShipTwo, VSS Unity reach space and return safely. MOJAVE, CALIFORNIA…
One Planet Summit à Paris
Le Président Emmanuel Macron invite plusiers secteurs de la société à une réunion importante sur la question urgente de l'environnement. Genre: Congrès, Environnement. Venue:…
Australian Open 2022 Tennis Results
We provide results updates at the tennis season’s first major tournament — held in Melbourne, Australia — for matches in the singles, doubles and wheelchair…
Australian Open 2020 Tennis Results
We provide results updates at the tennis season’s first major tournament — held in Melbourne, Australia — for matches in the singles, doubles and wheelchair…
Australian Tennis Open
Australia hosts the first major of the tennis season, and the world’s best players arrive Down South to compete for both history and some of the sport’s most…
Canadian Tennis Open
We provide results updates at this premier dual-city tournament — with men’s and women’s matches in Montreal and Toronto. ISSUES • Sports, Tennis PLACE…
Cal Health DataFest
A conference for Bay Area and Northern California specialists and advocates of data science and usage in improving health outcomes, care systems. Genre: Health,…
BEINGS Summit at Emory
Emory University hosts “Biotechnology and the Ethical Imagination: A Global Summit 2015” (BEINGS 2015), featuring a multidisciplinary array of speakers. Genre:…
Introducing Publiks Technology
Early and developing possibilities for a new platform and mode of social engagement as well as social media in a current, still shifting landscape spanning culture,…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
Tyehimba Jess in New York
The Poetry Center hosts Tyehimba Jess with his ensemble poets and sound artists in curated readings and musical verse translations. Genre: Talks, Readings, Musical…
J Monae at Smithsonian
The Ingenuity Festival hosts a public conversation with Janelle Monae on influences of rhythm and blues in her music. Genre: Talks, Conversations. Venue: Washington,…
Mariah Carey: ‘Caution’
In Mariah Carey's latest, each song provides pleasure to the ear, an album worthy of her career and our attention throughout. Genre: Music, Popular, R&B,…
Macy Gray’s ‘Ruby’
In her tenth full-length album, Macy Gray’s voice is as intimate and emotive as we, in 1999, first heard it. Genre: Music, Soul, Popular. Title: Ruby. Date: …
publiks that connect us

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Across the Activities
Introducing MyPubliks
Early and developing possibilities for a new platform and mode of social engagement as well as social media in a current, still shifting landscape spanning culture,…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
Across the Communities
Results: US 2020 Elections
We provide results and updates of major events leading to the United States 2020 General Elections in November — including primaries, endorsements, conventions,…
After the Vote: Brexit
We provide updates on progress and setbacks concerning the planned withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. On June 23, 2016 citizens of the United…
Introducing OurPubliks
Early and developing possibilities for a new platform and mode of social engagement as well as social media in a current, still shifting landscape spanning culture,…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
Across the Elections
Elections 2020: United States
On Tuesday, November 3 2020, US voters head to poll stations across the country to submit their decisions on their President, Vice-President and a range of candidates…
Elections 2019: Nigeria
In February 2019, Nigerian voters head to polling units across the country to elect from a range of candidates: President and National Assembly, with the latter…
Elections 2018: United States
On Tuesday, November 6 2018, US voters head to poll stations across the country to submit their decisions on a range of candidates and issues, except their President.…
US Election Info Centers
With a frequency of at least every two years, US voters head to poll stations across the country to submit their decisions on a range of candidates and issues. On…
Across the Forums
Introducing Publiks Forums
Early and developing possibilities for a new platform and mode of social engagement as well as social media in a current, still shifting landscape spanning culture,…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
Across the Exchanges
Introducing Publiks Exchange
Early and developing possibilities for a new platform and mode of social engagement as well as social media in a current, still shifting landscape spanning culture,…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
Across Philanthropy
Introducing Publiks Giving
Early and developing possibilities for a new platform and mode of social engagement as well as social media in a current, still shifting landscape spanning culture,…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
Across the Pages
Introducing Publiks Pages
Early and developing possibilities for a new platform and mode of social engagement as well as social media in a current, still shifting landscape spanning culture,…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
Across the Games
Introducing Publiks Games
Early and developing possibilities for a new platform and mode of social engagement as well as social media in a current, still shifting landscape spanning culture,…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
More news, information, essays, and media are forthcoming for this section, to be regularly updated — do return here soon. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — Please…
Across the Streams
Introducing Publiks Streams
Early and developing possibilities for a new platform and mode of social engagement as well as social media in a current, still shifting landscape spanning culture,…
Introducing Publiks Audiostreams
Early and developing possibilities for a new platform and mode of social engagement as well as social media in a current, still shifting landscape spanning culture,…
Introducing Publiks Eventstreams
Early and developing possibilities for a new platform and mode of social engagement as well as social media in a current, still shifting landscape spanning culture,…
Introducing Publiks Filmstreams
Early and developing possibilities for a new platform and mode of social engagement as well as social media in a current, still shifting landscape spanning culture,…
publiks we remember

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Rewarding Review

Australian Open 2022 Tennis Results
We provide results updates at the tennis season’s first major tournament — held in Melbourne, Australia — for matches in the singles, doubles and wheelchair…

Results: US 2020 Elections
We provide results and updates of major events leading to the United States 2020 General Elections in November — including primaries, endorsements, conventions,…

0: Layout Entry Article Continuous
On the Ongoing Outbreak of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Along with the above key principles, the Policy on Independence and Freedoms requires…

Elections 2020: United States
On Tuesday, November 3 2020, US voters head to poll stations across the country to submit their decisions on their President, Vice-President and a range of candidates…

Australian Open 2020 Tennis Results
We provide results updates at the tennis season’s first major tournament — held in Melbourne, Australia — for matches in the singles, doubles and wheelchair…

Australian Tennis Open
Australia hosts the first major of the tennis season, and the world’s best players arrive Down South to compete for both history and some of the sport’s most…

UN Climate Summit
The United Nations bolsters a global community committed to climate change action by holding a special summit this September. ISSUE • The Environment PLACE • New…

G7 Summit in France
The G7 of leaders from the 6 largest national economies and the European Union will convene in Southern France. ISSUES • Economy, Inequality PLACE • Biarritz,…

Canadian Tennis Open
We provide results updates at this premier dual-city tournament — with men’s and women’s matches in Montreal and Toronto. ISSUES • Sports, Tennis PLACE…

Toni Morrison Passes
The doyenne of American fiction, letters, and culture, writer of several prize-winning novels, passed away after a brief illness. ISSUES • Transition, Literature PLACE…

Johnson Is UK Premier
The Conservative party has elected Boris Johnson as its leader, and thus he will become PM of the United Kingdom, moving into 10 Downing Street this week. ISSUES…

Outbreak: Ebola in DRC
We provide updates on the Ebola outbreak in Democratic Republic of the Congo, now the second largest in history. ISSUES • Health, Epidemics PLACE • The…

World Bank Conference
The World Bank hosts its conference on development economics in Washington, focusing on multilateralism in the past and future. ISSUES • Economy, Development…

Ailey II in France
Alvin Ailey arrives in France with a marvelous series of dance pieces, representing African-American culture across bodies, music, languages. ISSUES • Performance,…

Ailey II in Barcelona
The world famous dance company from New York arrives in Spain offering a special set of its performances, communicating across bodies, languages and cultures. SUBJECTS…

Ailey II en France
Alvin Ailey arrive en France avec une série merveilleuse des pièces, représentant la culture afro-américaine à travers du corps et du langage.Genre: Performance,…

Traducido: ‘El Conde de Montecristo'
Navona ha publicado la definitiva edición del clásico de Alejandro Dumas, El conde de Montecristo; “un gran acontecimiento literario europeo” en la lengua…

Harlem Choir en España
El más famoso Gospel Choir del mundo llega en Barcelona durante el festival de jazz, una escena muy celebrada, musical, multicultural. Genero: Música, Actuación. Lugar:…

Ailey II en Barcelona
La famosa compañía de danza de Nueva York llega en España para ofrecer actuaciones especiales tras cuerpos, idiomas, y culturas.Genero: Danza. Lugar: Centre…

Mutua Madrid Open de Tenis
In May, in Spain, the world’s best tennis players meet in Madrid, for an important stop on clay surfaces, with competition here doubling as preview and preparation…